When spending a lot of time in your house during quarantine, you start perceiving a lot of things at home differently. It suddenly combines your workspace with your relax zone and the usually pleasant things like laying in bed or taking a long bubbly shower become such an unavoidable part of your routine that you can’t wait to move past them. However, there are ways of feeling the familiar pleasure again.
You can try doing simple yoga in your bed and as for your shower, you can try installing a proper shower water filter. Both of those things are beneficial for your health, but while the perks of doing yoga are widely known, there is not much information around about why everyone needs to at least consider purchasing a shower water filter.
When it comes to showers, any average person would say that he or she generally takes them to cleanse their body of daily grease and unpleasant odors. However, not everyone knows about the amounts of harmful substances that get left on their skin after taking a shower in regular pipe water, and it might even add to those odors in the end.
There are effects of those substances that can be seen and touched, so they are more talked about, like lime deposits on washing machines and soil left on your laundry after you wash it multiple times. The same applies to your skin, however, no one really counts how much money they could have actually saved if they implemented water filtration in their lives.
It is the money spent on skin care afterwards, like moisturizing your face and body because water with high mineral content takes away a great part of moisture during showers. Water that comes through filtration is more gentle to every part of your body, including hair and nails that can also be overlooked. Filtered water makes your hair smoother and over time your nails also start growing healthier and stronger because of the lack of the usual negative chemical impact.
It is even more essential to filter the water for children and people with skin sensitivity or those who suffer from eczema. Kids are in general more susceptible because their skin barrier has not been fully developed yet, and exposing them to aggressive minerals will not do them any good.
A shower water filter pushes water through 15 stages of purification and also adds Vitamin C which is famous for its wholesome impact on skin. The installation process of a shower water filter is easy and does not require professional help, and the filter itself also compliments the interiors of the bathroom, because it is made from a high-quality metal.