Radon testing is done to detect the presence of radon in homes and offices, which is recommended highly. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and it poses a serious health risk like lymphoma and leukemia. Since radon is invisible and has no smell, you can only detect its presence through testing.
Radon testing can be carried out by purchasing a radon testing kit or by hiring a professional expert to get the test done. If radon levels are not normal, radon testing in New Jersey will solve the problem and eliminate the risk.
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Will Radon Testing Benefit You?
One of the significant benefits of radon testing is you can do it by yourself at home with a testing kit. But DIY radon testing kits are meant to sacrifice accuracy for convenience and thus, these tests are only helpful in identifying if there is any problem. These tests will not detect the correct radon levels in your home or office. It is best to hire a professional company to get your home tested. Below mentioned are several ways by which radon testing benefits you.
1. Dry air
A radon mitigation system pulls out the moist air from the soil beneath your home and eliminates musty smells. The system can pull out as much as a half-gallon of water from the basement or slab foundation in an hour.
2. Cost Reduction
Radon mitigation systems are now a part of new home design, and the construction is much easier, making them cheaper to install. The structure requires less material which is also more affordable.
3. Environmental Impact
If your home has less humidity, the usage of dehumidifiers will be less if you have dehumidifiers at home. Also, less humidity will lead to less electricity bill output from air conditioning units and thus benefit the environment–fewer emissions.
4. Better Health.
Lower humidity has health benefits because of the fresh interior and musty-smell-free air. When the humidity decreases, it decreases the antagonism in bacterial growth, dust, and mildew that causes asthma, allergies, and other lung problems.
5. Enhanced Cosmetics
Unlike exhaust vents or suction pipes, the radon mitigation systems are installed in such a way that it is inaccessible. It is done due to the device’s protection from extreme weather conditions extending the life of the system.
6. Increases Home Value
Home stability increases by installing a radon mitigation system. It also removes prolonged negotiations when someone pays for the installation when the house is on the market.