March 18, 2025

Energy Saving Tips: Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs With Bluon Energy

Energy Saving Tips: Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs With Bluon Energy

If you have an air conditioner, you probably are already familiar with a lot of the tips and tricks that you can use to reduce your energy costs. Typically, these tips involve things like setting the temperature higher on your thermostat or using ceiling fans to recirculate the air.

What you may not be aware of, however, is that there are other more technical ways that you can save. For instance, did you know that you could dramatically cut your air conditioning costs by replacing your standard R-22 refrigerant with an innovative new refrigerant known as TdX 20?

Produced by Bluon Energy,  this new refrigerant is making major waves in the HVAC industry – largely because it actually works. Other companies have tried to produce similar refrigerants in the past. Unfortunately, those products provided less-than-stellar results. Most HVAC professionals who tried installing them found that they caused a lot of extra problems, oftentimes damaging the equipment.

Bluon’s TdX 20, however, is completely different. It works by lowering the system pressure and temperature. This not only saves energy but also reduces the amount of wear and tear experienced by the air conditioner, helping to extend its usable life.

It is interesting to note that many HVAC professionals are initially skeptical when they hear about this refrigerant. Because many of the other replacements for R-22 that have been introduced in the past have failed, this skepticism is completely understandable.

After they try Bluon for themselves, however, and see just how effective it really is, they quickly change their tune. In fact, many HVAC contractors wind up switching over entirely to Bluon after conducting their own independent testing. Once they see the dramatic effect that it has on efficiency, they understandably want to share it with all of their clients.

In a typical building, approximately half of the utility costs are attributed to heating and cooling. Companies that switch to TdX 20 are able to reduce their HVAC-related energy consumption by as much as 25%. That is a significant savings that can translate into much lower energy bills.

If you are thinking of switching to this type of refrigerant in your own building, you can do some basic calculations to get an estimate of how much you could save. Because approximately 50% of your utility costs come from air conditioning, begin by dividing your utility bill in half.

Typically, customers who switch over to Bluon save anywhere from 5% to 25% on their utility costs. To calculate how much you could save on the low-end of that estimate, multiply half of your utility costs by .05. This will give you an idea of the minimum reduction that you could see in your monthly cooling costs by making the switch.

You can also calculate the maximum savings by multiplying half of your utility costs by .25. This will give you an upper-end estimate of your monthly savings. After doing these simple calculations, you should have a general idea of the range of savings that you could expect by switching your air conditioning system over to Bluon. This should make it easier to decide whether or not it is a worthwhile investment for your company.

If you already have an established relationship with an HVAC contractor, Bluon will work with them, teaching them how to make the switch. The company provides excellent support, helping to ensure that there is always someone available to provide guidance or to answer any questions that may come up during the process.

After the new refrigerant is installed, the only thing that there is to do is wait for your first utility bill. Chances are, it will be significantly lower than other bills that you have received in the past. Being able to cut your cooling costs can have a tremendously positive impact on your company’s bottom line. Spending less money on cooling translates into higher profits.

It is also important to remember that this technology helps to extend the life of your equipment. When you make the switch to Bluon, it reduces the pressure in your air conditioning system. At the same time, it also lowers the temperature, minimizes vibrations, and makes the system more stable.

Together, all of these positive changes translate into a lot less strain on your equipment, helping it last much longer. When you consider how expensive it is to replace an air conditioner, it is easy to see just how important it is to look for ways to get more life out of your existing unit.

If you are thinking about making the switch for your business, you should consider reaching out to Bluon to talk to them about your needs, visit Bluon website. They are more than happy to answer any of your questions and will work directly with your existing contractors to make the transition as smooth and easy as possible.

Most companies that transition over to TdX 20 find that they are able to recoup the initial installation costs very quickly through energy savings. You can get a general idea of how long it will take your business to make back the money that you invest by using the basic energy-saving calculations that you did earlier.

Don’t forget to take into account the extended lifespan of your equipment, as well. Being able to use your equipment longer allows you to get the greatest possible benefit out of it before it needs to be replaced.  

For years, air-conditioning systems have relied on R-22 refrigerant, simply because it was the most effective option available. Today, all of that has changed. Thanks to the advancements made by Bluon Energy, it is now possible to save a significant amount of energy simply by switching out the refrigerant in your air conditioning unit.

If you are ready to cut your cooling costs, it is worth exploring whether or not this is a good option for your business. After you learn more about all of the benefits that this product has to offer, you most likely will want to give it a try to see just how much you can wind up saving on your air-conditioning expenses.