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5 Web Design Tips for Your E-Commerce Site
Whether you are looking to create your first website or spruce up your existing site, every e-commerce website needs to focus on attracting your customer and closing in on the sale. Here are 5 business web design tips to elevate your e-commerce site’s design and improve your customer’s experience.
Use High-Quality Photos
Since your customer won’t be seeing the product in person until after they purchase, make sure that you are using high-resolution photos. A grainy photo won’t attract your customer to a product and you will ultimately lose sales, because of low-quality photos.
Some other things to consider are using 360-degree views and videos so that your customer can look at all the detail they need to see in order to inform themselves about the product. Likewise, you should be able to zoom in on a picture so that your customers can visualize the details of the product.
If you are selling high-quality products, then the more detail you can provide about your product, the better.
Make Navigation Easy
You should stick to the conventional navigation that most sites use so that there is not a learning curve for your customer to use your site. Here are some tips:
- Connect the logo at the top of your page to the homepage
- A well-functioning search bar is key if you are selling more than 1,000 products
- A succinct catalog allows your user to hone in on what they are looking for
- Filtering by multiple categories allows your customer to find what they need, but also discover new products
Ultimately, navigation is more important if you are selling a large number of products. If you are selling below 100 products, then it is better to focus on the design and visual appeal of the site
Keep it Simple
Speaking of design, make sure to keep your e-commerce website design is simple. Users aren’t going to the site to see the next technological innovation in website design; therefore, the emphasis should be on the product.
In order to present a clean look you want a lot of white space, no more than three colors on each page, and easily readable fonts. Your design can separate you from your competition and will ultimately lead to more sales if executed well.
Optimize for Smart Phones
The majority of online shopping nowadays is done via smartphone. Of course, you want your site to work well on a computer, but not considering optimizing the site with a mobile view is a huge mistake. If users get frustrated using your site on a mobile phone, then you are going to lose a lot of customers.
Incorporate Reviews
Including a listing of reviews of your products is key to increasing sales on an e-commerce site. This adds validity to the claims that you are making about your products and reassures customers that you are selling a quality product. Make the review section easy to find and easy to complete.
In addition to customer reviews you will want to include links to articles that have mentioned your product, awards that you may have won or even fun tidbits about the company’s history. The more your customer can connect with your company and its success, the better.
The key is to make sure to design your website in a way that makes sense to the products your selling. You wouldn’t want bright, vibrant colors if you are trying to sell murder mystery. If you always keep your products in mind and follow these 5 web design tips, then you are well on your way to having a successful e-commerce store.