Nature’s wild animals can be quite destructive, annoying and cost you a lot of money in repairs. Not only that, but their dropping can be hazardous and are most certainly an eye sore. To solve your outdoor pest problem www.victory framework.com there are a number of less-than-ideal lethal solutions, but these involve messy and dangerous chemicals; which can pose a threat to children and pets.
To end your critter problem for good there are many non-lethal, more convenient ways. The pests bothering you chose your property for a reason, if they are comfortable and well-fed, they won’t want to leave. Although there are ways to make the area undesirable and unappealing to those pests via sound, odor, taste, visually or physically.
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Sound Deterrents
A sound deterrent is a device you put in the ground that emits a sound at a frequency that humans can’t hear, but drives the critters under or near the ground crazy. You can choose either an ultrasonic, sonic or combination device. Preferably one that varies in frequency, duration, and sequence-as opposed to one that repeats. This will greatly increase your chances of keeping pest out in your long-term endeavors. If your device repeats too much, you run the risk of the critters that stay around your area, getting used to the sounds and your deterrent becomes obsolete.
Visual Deterrents
Smaller rodents can be scared off by a visual device with owl-like features. Although, similar to sound deterrents, change is important. Putting a regular plastic owl in your yard won’t be a threat for very long, as it never moves. You need something that can give the illusion that is it moving. One option is a large orange sphere that has holograms on the front and back. When any creature looks at it from different angles, the object appears to move. Another option is iridescent reflective foil strips, which you can easily attach to fence posts or trees. As the strips blow in the wind, they catch sunlight, producing constantly changing colors and patterns. Plus, the strips produce a metallic rattle that may be unnerving as well.
Physical Barriers
Physical barriers are not everyone’s favorite deterrent, because they can sometimes be considered an eye sore. But it is still a good option if you are having a lot of trouble keeping pests away from certain areas. One option is netting. If you need access without a lot of hassle, you can create “access panels” using Velcro. Also, spiked needles (or barbed wire) can prevent rodents like squirrels from accessing a tree, air conditioner, flagpole, etc. There is also a motion-activated scarecrow water sprinkler that “sprays” intruders when it senses them.
Taste Deterrents
You may want to choose a taste deterrent is you have a big problem with animals eating your flower or vegetable gardens. This is a safe option especially for vegetable gardens because they are not harmful to you or the animal they are just very unappealing. A popular way to discourage deer, rabbits and squirrels from eating particular greens is red-pepper spray. Castor-oil formulas are great for moles, since the worms become coated in it, the moles can’t keep it down and seek food elsewhere.
Odor Deterrents
Odors can be a powerful pest prevention tool. Spreading a predator’s urine around your yard is an effective ward against various pests. All kinds of pests will avoid your yard if you go this route, everything from mice to deer. You can get it in both a powder and a liquid. The powder is the best option since is won’t evaporate, sink into the ground, or wash away as easily.
There are many ways to deter pests from your property that are not only humane, but permanent, if done correctly. If you have some pests that are particularly difficult to deal with or have been returning for years, try a combination of multiple methods. Pest control can be very difficult to handle. If you find yourself overwhelmed and nothing you try is working it may be a good idea to call your local exterminator for help.
- Pest Control Tips
Barbara Johnson works in real estate and enjoys finding her clients the perfect homes. In addition, she shares her home improvement and gardening tips with others through blogging. She trusts Pest Detective for her pest control needs.