Removing old fabric from an ageing chair and replacing it with new fabric can be a brilliant way of bringing it back to life. However, reupholstering a chair can seem like an intimidating task for those unaware of how to do it. And, it seems more complicated than it actually is. It’s quite a simple task once you know what tools you need and what steps you need to take in order to replace a chair’s fabric. The process can be quite time consuming, but it can save you loads of money because it means you don’t need to fork out for brand new furniture. So, if you are looking for tips on how to reupholster a chair, then carry on reading this article as we are going to share some of our top tips.
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Buy Plenty of Good Quality Upholstering Fabric
Although it is possible to reupholster a chair with virtually any type of fabric, most just won’t last in the long term. You will need to buy special upholstery fabric, which is much more durable than other types of fabrics. When buying upholstery fabric, it’s always a good idea to buy more than you actually need. This is so you have spare should you make a mistake when cutting or attaching the fabric to your chair.
Make Sure You Have The Right Tools
There are a range of different tools that you will need in order to reupholster your chair. If you are unsure of what tools you will need for your specific chair, then we recommend getting in touch with company who specialise in upholstery products such as Heico Direct.
Step 1: Remove the Old Fabric
The first step to reupholstering your chair is removing the old fabric. Work slowly by removing any screws or staples that are holding the old fabric in place. Make sure that you don’t cut any of the old fabric or scissors to remove it, and you are going to need the old pattern in order to trace the shape into the new fabric.
Step 2: Clean the Chair
Removing old fabric from a chair can more often than not expose dirt that has built up over time. It’s a good idea to clean off the dirt before you attach any new fabric. We recommend using a vacuum cleaning to remove any debris and then use a suitable fabric cleaner to finish it off.
Step 3: Measure Out Your New Fabric
Now that you have cleaned the chair, layout the old fabric, remembering where each piece goes. Then get your new fabric and do the same. From here, you need to trace the old fabric shapes into the new. Once you have all the new fabric traced and measured, carefully cut each section, making sure that you exercise the utmost attention to detail.
Step 4: Sew the New Fabric (If Necessary)
Not all the fabric that you use will need sewing in order to be attached to the chair. In fact, its normally only cushion and arm covers that require sewing and even then it will depend on the shape of your chair.
Step 5: Staple the New Fabric To the Chair
When stapling your new fabric to the chair, make sure you work on one section at a time and pay very close attention. Make sure you carefully fold and tuck the edge of each piece of fabric to ensure a smooth finish. Before stapling the fabric to the chair, always make sure that you have the correct staple length. If you use the wrong length, then you run the risk of permanently damaging your chair.
Step 6: Add Some Finishing Touches (Optional)
When you have finished attaching the new fabric to the chair, you should sew on any buttons or piping. This last bit of the process is your chance to customise the chair with features that might not have as part of the original design. If you do decide that you are completely finished with the reupholstering project, then give it one last look over to ensure there are no loose threads or staples.