Many of you would have heard about getting the air conditioner serviced and cleaned and many would have followed it and many would have not. The case for the air conditioner is in the middle of its path, then would you think people would have thought about the duct system? Not in most cases. Since most of the ducts are placed in a not-so-visible being high from the sight, most people would have forgotten about it. Have you ever thought about having duct cleaning Jacksonville as an important factor?
Have you ever blamed the HVAC unit at your place for the poor indoor quality, inefficient cooling or heating, increased energy bills, or any such issues? But why not such problems were caused due to dirty ducts? Yes, having a dirty duct that was cleaned long back or not cleaned at all can cause such issues.
How Does the Air Duct Cleaning in Jacksonville, Fl Improve the Indoor Air Quality?
Most of the indoor air quality depends on the HVAC system partly, it highly depends on how clean the duct is. Any excessive dust and dirt accumulated duct system is the major cause for poor indoor air quality. The air filter being clogged with excess dirt is one reason for the poor indoor air quality which in turn affects the efficiency of the unit too. But the role of the duct system is more serious in the air quality.
As any professional is hired for carrying out the air duct cleaning Jacksonville, being a homeowner one could be surprised to see loads of dust and dirt is removed. The answer to your question about how my home does get dirty very quickly will be obtained. Cleaning the ducts widely helps in having a clean and healthy home. Every excess contaminant that disturbs your normal peace in the home is prevented completely from your house. Every negative effect on the indoor air quality is removed completely with a professional duct cleaning service.
Have You Ever Thought of How the Ducts Get So Dirty?
Be it winter or summer, either it requires the air conditioner or the heater, but what about the duct? It has to work all through the year no matter what season it is. Each day it has to pass through the ventilation system many times. With that, the ductwork gets easily accumulated with the excess amount of dirt in a single day. Then imagine a year or more! It is found in a study that an average room can circulate nearly 40 pounds of dust in a year, then imagine the situation for a whole house.
The dust not just includes dirt from the outdoor environment or ventilation, it largely includes the excess pet dander, the smoke caused due to people smoking in the home, cooking, and many such activities. Unfortunately, most of this dirt gets accumulated in the ducts faster than you think. This is how a duct gets excessively accumulated with dust and requires professional cleaning often.
What More Benefits Are Added with A Professional Duct Cleaning in Jacksonville, Fl?
As already said, the indoor air quality is increased largely with having the duct cleaned. You may think of having the duct cleaned once in a while is not enough and look for alternatives like an air filtration system or UV germicidal lights. But a duct cleaning is far more than that. The efficiency of the home is improved overall with a professional duct cleaning service. How? With the excess dust and debris, the airflow is decreased largely, which in turn makes it very difficult for the HVAC unit to operate efficiently. This causes the HVAC system to add more pressure to provide the normal cool or heat required in the place. With the addition of pressure, the efficiency of the unit is badly affected which can be prevented by duct cleaning service. Having the ducts cleaned prevents the HVAC system from getting damaged. With the dust getting deposited excessively in the parts of the HVAC system, the condenser coil and motors can also be damaged which is prevented completely.
Ducts are more delicate than you think, having an air duct cleaning Jacksonville by a professional may damage the ducts. An experienced professional like Envirovac easily know how to handle the ducts and it is why they are approached for air duct services.