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Why Are On-Site Storage Solutions Important?

Why Are On-Site Storage Solutions Important?

Recent studies revealed that most of the residents in apartment complexes would prefer having on-site storage solutions as opposed to having none or having to travel off-site for their storage needs. Of course, this seems like a no-brainer for landlords, but a whole bunch of them have not gotten the memo. The properties that are listening to the people are the ones that are getting reliable, steady tenants that are happy and want to stay where they live. Tenants that pay rent on time, and can afford to move are moving to properties that provide the things that they want. Security, safety, and convenience.

The Benefits of On-Site Storage Bins

Secure, private storage bins are something that most residents prefer to have in their place of living. There are a number of reasons why, but some of the bigger ones are:

Let’s face it, the fact is that most people just want to live in a place where they feel safe and that they can safely have belongings that aren’t up for grabs by thieves. For most people, if their safety and security are threatened they will simply move to a place that suits them better as soon as they can.

Security and Privacy

In many of the multi-family apartment buildings across the United States, there is a lack of adequate storage. Some of the landlords will install a cheap wire mesh cage solution that ultimately attracts thieves and problems. Many other landlords won’t supply any extra storage at all. This kind of solution causes a lot more harm than good. In the event of no storage, residents will tend to store extra belongings in their parking space. In the event of wire mesh storage boxes, people’s belongings are exposed to thieves and have no privacy at all. In both of these storage cases, personal property is subject to the scrutiny of the general public. Anybody and everybody can see it. All thieves have to do is come back when nobody is looking and steal what they want.

With secure storage solutions in place, there is privacy and security. When personal property is locked away behind private walls that nobody can see through it is less subject to thievery and vandalism. Simply by getting the personal belongings of the residents out of sight and behind locks, the whole crime rate of the area will lower. In most cases, thieves would rather a quiet and easy place to steal from.

Getting Money that Goes Elsewhere

Another important factor to consider is the potential for a significant amount of extra revenue. Since a large percent of the residents in an apartment complex are already renting extra storage space from an off-site storage provider, wouldn’t it be better if they were paying you that money instead? If you think about it, people spend upwards of $75 per month on an extra storage space that they could be renting from you. If you were to offer residents a safe, practical storage solution that was right on the same property that they lived on, how likely do you think they would be to move their belongings home and pay you that extra money? Even if you charged them more than they are currently paying.

Safe Secure Storage Solutions

People have stuff. A lot of that stuff is only used at certain times of the year. There are holiday decorations and camping gear, plus whatever else that each unique resident has that they cheeks and would like to keep safe. It is probably much easier than you would imagine to install a great storage solution to your own property and start cashing in on the benefits. Get in touch with Bradyl Storage Solutions today, and get your money ball rolling.

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