When you think of bringing about some aesthetic makeover in your bare walls and ceilings or reorganizing the whole layout of the interior, plaster becomes indispensable. Along with providing a beautiful outer shell to your dream home, plaster protects from dust, weathering reactions, and vermin to your walls. Plastering is the process of creating a smooth and durable coat to your wall or ceiling to impart a gorgeous finish to your home.
Since plaster is a crucial aspect of the construction or renovation of a building, it can be a costly affair. In this case, hiring a professional will ensure a quality job at your convenience. However, your major concern here should be more about how much would plaster cost. You will get a comprehensive idea of your estimate in this post.
What Are The Factors That Affect Plastering Costs?
Plastering cost depends on two things. These include the type of plaster and the project’s specific requirements. Some important factors that affect the cost of Plastering Sydney are:
- Ornamentals: In the case of stylish ornamental plastering, difficult molds and concepts of plastering are involved. It adds a unique decorative touch to the interior of the place. As this work involves lots of precision and detail, the cost will go higher.
- Replacement of an old plaster: If there is a damaged or old plaster, removing it and plastering over the wall will cost more. The workers will have to dispose of the damaged plaster as well.
- Type of material: A variety of materials adds to the process of plastering which increases the cost. Depending on what type of plaster you ask for, the cost varies accordingly.
- Complicated access: If the area of plastering is difficult to reach or involves risks, be prepared to fork out a higher cost.
- The number of coats: If a single coat of plaster does not work for your requirement, a double or triple coating might be required. This will cause your expenses to shoot up.
What Is The Cost Of Plastering In Sydney?
The cost of plastering in Sydney ranges from $25 to $90 for each square meter including labour and material charges. Of course, time matters here, and the contractor will quote you an hourly rate. The hourly cost of hiring a plasterer varies somewhere from $45 to $105.
Generally, the plasterers charge a flat rate for a flat or a room. This service involves the main plastering process. If you want these people to clean up your place after the work is finished, they might charge extra. Plastering a three-bedroom flat will cost you somewhere around $10,000-$15,000. Any detailing or other specifics will cost more. For example, an ornate ceiling will cost 10-15% more.
In this regard, you should be aware that Gyprock is gaining consistent popularity in Sydney. It is considered cheaper and quicker to apply. Where Plastering gives a stronger finish, Gyprocking in Sydney is recommended for decorative ceilings because of lightweight and fully recyclable materials. Hiring a Gyprocker Sydney might cost you around $20-$70 for each square meter in case you are installing hard plaster. The cost would range between $45 and $90 for each square meter in case of installing wet plaster.
Plastering or Gyprocking in Sydney can be a little costly. However, you can always consult your plasterer or Gyprocker on the best procedure that suits your needs. Working with established professionals, you can make a significant saving.