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Homeowner’s Guide for Annual General Cleaning

Homeowner’s Guide for Annual General Cleaning

As much as you want a spotlessly clean house, you also get tempted to procrastinate and head towards the living room couch. The next thing you know, you’re already munching on a bag of chips while you go over the week’s list of Netflix specials.

But once you have developed your cleaning habits, it becomes second nature, especially if you understand how it positively benefits you physically and mentally. When you keep your home clean and tidy, you’re not just making the place look inviting.  You’re also improving the quality of the indoor air and household hygiene, along with the benefits of regular house cleaning.

The thought of cleaning your whole house can be overwhelming at first until you stick to a cleaning routine that works with your daily schedule. So, to help you clean efficiently, here are cleaning tips to start you off!

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

I hope house cleaning is at least one of your favorite pastimes because this cleaning checklist will require you to clean more frequently.

But even if you’re still easing into the process, do not fret! These weekly cleaning tips will help you clean in no time without constantly glancing at your watch:

Monthly Cleaning Checklist

This next list of cleaning routines might require your extra energy to accomplish. But hey, there’s a reason why these chores are only done once a month. To lessen the monthly burden of cleaning, follow these tips:

Miscellaneous Cleaning Tips

Just because it’s “miscellaneous” doesn’t mean it’s not essential. If cleaning were a bowl of ice cream then this next list will be the cherry on top. Here is a list of still essential cleaning tips you should do:

Consistency is Key!

When it comes to cleaning, you have to be consistent with your routines. Once you get the hang of it, the laborious process of house cleaning will slowly become part of your lifestyle and overall well-being. As they always say, a clean house is a sign of a good mind. With the right mindset and knowledge, you’ll be able to clean efficiently without trying too hard.

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