May 19, 2024

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Bifold Doors

So you’ve already made the decision to opt for a bifold door installation within your home, so what’s next? Cleaning and maintaining your bifold doors on a regular basis is vital and without it your doors will quickly fall into disrepair with the opening and closing mechanism easily compromised.

Whilst bifold doors require very minimal upkeep, completing some level of cleaning and maintenance will ensure they stay in tip-top condition for years to come. We have compiled an essential guide to cleaning and maintaining your bifold doors.

Keep glass clean and pristine

Due to the expanse of glass in the bifold system, ECO Bifold who is a well known Origin bifold provider in Scotland, recommend cleaning is required to keep your bifold doors up-to-scratch. “Steer clear of the vinegar however, and stick with good old soap and water to keep the glass in your bifold doors smear-free. Buff with a dry microfiber cloth for a streak-free shine. Scrunched up paper is an excellent buffing material also and won’t put a dent in your budget!”

When cleaning the glass of your bifold doors however, try not to over-wet as excess water seeping into your frame and mechanism could cause issues, particularly with timber framed systems.

Show the frames some love too

Whatever type of frame you opt for, maintaining these couldn’t be easier. Aluminium, composite and timber bifolding doors all need just a quick wipe down with a cloth to return them to their former glory. Always use a non-abrasive cloth and for more stubborn stains soak in warm water and a mild detergent.  Avoid using heavy-duty cleaners as these may damage frames that have been powder coated.

Keep your bifold doors gliding

The tracks of your bifolding system need attention to ensure the opening and closing mechanism remains smooth. Keep tracks free from debris and vacuum regularly. Some tracks may require lubrication, ask your bifold door installer for advice on recommended products.